12th, May 2024.
By Mr. Nwabuakwu Emmanuel.
Champions International Schools breathes new life into its anti-bullying Marshall Initiative with a groundbreaking architectural overhaul. With a renewed focus on proactive intervention and fostering a culture of empathy, the revamped initiative is poised to tackle the pervasive challenges of bullying head-on, creating a safer and more inclusive environment for all students.
Comprising students from all three schools under the institution’s umbrella, the Anti-Bullying Marshalls have been entrusted with the crucial task of identifying and addressing any form of bullying behaviour within the school environment. Their first meeting this third term took place on May 10, 2024, at the Garden of Games, where they underwent training and exercises under the guidance of Mr. Nwafor Emmanuel, a seasoned Marshall.
During the session, the Director of Studies, closely monitored the proceedings, emphasizing the importance of the Marshalls’ role in fostering a safe and inclusive environment for all students. He underscored the zero-tolerance policy towards bullying and urged the Marshalls to uphold the integrity of their position by promptly reporting any instances of bullying to the designated coordinators.
To signify their authority and commitment to the cause, the Marshalls were encouraged to acquire anti-bullying vests, serving as a visible symbol of their responsibility within the school environment. Additionally, it was announced that the Anti-Bullying Marshall meetings would now convene twice a month, ensuring regular updates and coordination among members.
In his closing remarks, Mr. Nwabuakwu rallied the new members to embrace their role wholeheartedly and remain vigilant in identifying and addressing bullying behaviours. With a resounding call to action, Champions International School reaffirmed its stance against bullying, echoing the collective message: Say No to Bullying!